lunes, 22 de noviembre de 2010

Creating Energy Spheres in Photoshop

For this tutorial you’ll want to find a photo of someone doing something that looks a bit larger than life. I used this photo that I found at the stock photo website Stock Exchange. For this tutorial you’ll need a photo that you want to manipulate and some special brush sets which I downloaded from here.
This will be the final result.

  1. Download the brush set and install it.
  2. Now I’ll show how to take a child with a big imagination and turn him into the powerful being he imagine himself to be.
  3. We’ll start by creating a new layer on top of our original and filling it with black. Next we want to select Filter >> Render >> Lighting Effects >> Lens Flare
  4. Use the 105mm Prime with the Brightness setting of your choice.
    Lens Flare
  5. This will create a bright flash. Move it to the point where you want the ‘energy ball’ to appear.
  6. You may notice that when you move it, you can see the edges of the layer. To rectify this, select the layer and add a ‘Layer Mask’.
  7. Select default colors (white and black). With the layer mask selected, use the Gradient Tool >> Radial Gradient >> Reverse and drag from the center outwards. This will mask everything in a sphere around the center.
  8. Set both of these layers to the ‘Hard Light’ setting.
  9. I like to use the Image >> Adjustments >> Photo Filter to make the colors “pop”. I also used this setting to make the lens flare a bluish color. There are other ways to do this so experiment with your options.
  10. Using the Brush set we installed earlier we want to apply them to the energy balls. I used the color black, with the layer’s Blend Options set to ‘Overlay’.
  11. With this layer selected, set the Layer Style settings like so:
  12. Using the same technique that we used in Step 7, we want to mask the edges of our brush layers.
  13. To create the ‘arc of light’ we’ll use paths. Select the ‘Ellipse Tool’ and change it from ‘Shape layers’ to ‘Paths’. Now, draw a large circle or ellipse that includes both energy flares.
  14. Once the arc is drawn we want to stroke it (no jokes please). Select a brush that’s very small, maybe about a brush with a 5px diameter and use the color white. Go to ‘Paths’ right click on the selected path, and select ‘Stroke Path’. Check the ‘simulate pressure’ option, this will give the ring a bit of perspective with a heavier stroke on one side and a lighter stroke on the opposite side.
  15. Repeat this step twice. Each time use a different brush setting that is bigger than the one before it. I started with the 5px brush, then I used a 45px brush followed by a 100px brush. Each time use a different color. The topmost (bigger) arc should be set to ‘Linear Dodge (Add)’ with an opacity of 35%. The middle layer should be set to ‘Overlay’ and the original (the white one) should be set to ‘Linear Dodge (Add)’.
  16. I grouped these together then, using the technique from Step 7 again, I use layer masking to block one half of the sphere I created.
  17. To create the energy ‘tendrils’ that are leaping from the arc. Duplicate the grouped folder from Step 16. Then merge the group or folder into one layer. Select Filter >> Liquify and distort the arc to look like it should for your image. Secondly, we’ll select Filter >> Distort >> Ripple and tweak it to look a bit more like electricity.
  18. Now we’re done. Outside of some techniques that I used to make the image more polished, this completes the tutorial.

domingo, 21 de noviembre de 2010

Create an Amazing A.I. Robot Woman in Photoshop


This is a preview of the final effect.

Step 1

Open this image as is and double click on “background” layer to make it editable, rename the layer to “girl” then adjust Levels and auto adjust Curves to lighten the image a little bit.

Step 2

Extract the girl from the black background, and add a new Fill layer below “girl” layer.

Step 3

Paste this picture by hotblack as a background into a new layer named “forest”, go to Layer > Layer Mask > Hide All and using the Gradient Tool, paint a Radial Gradient White – Black on the layer mask.

Step 4

Create a new layer above all the other, name it “Light” and fill it with a Reflected Gradient White – Black and adjust the curves as shows the image below to add more light stripes. Distort the layer using Transform options and Command (Ctrl) + Click on the corners. Then change layer’s Blend Mode to Saturation, and Opacity to 45%.

Step 5

Select “Girl” layer, then using the Lasso tool, select an irregular shape over girl’s face. Copy the selection and paste it into a new layer named “Face”.

Step 6

Select “Girl” layer once more, then using the Lasso select the entire body, take special care on the neck, make the selection rounded there, you can follow the necklace shape to make it right. Copy and paste the selection into a new layer named “Body”.

Step 7

Duplicate “Girl” layer and hide the original. Select “Girl copy” and using the Burn Tool darken girls’ neck, chin and cheek.

Step 8

Select “Girl” layer once more, select and copy a little piece of forehead, hair and ear. Copy and paste it above “Face” layer.

Step 9

Next, select “Body” layer and select a section of the arm and cut it. Hiding “Girl copy” layer you’ll see how it looks. Then make visible “Girl copy” once more, and using the burn tool darken some areas of “Girl copy” layer. Repeat this process as many times as you want in several places.

Step 10

Download this image by henry_azui, select a long piece of chrome metal and copy it. Paste it into a new layer between “Body” and “Girl copy” layer, Feel free to transform the bars to make them match your design.

Step 11

Select a bended piece of metal, Rotate it, Warp it and place it as a robotic mandible. Remember, put this metallic piece between “Body” and “Girl copy” layers.

Step 12

Duplicate the previous metallic part. Adjust the Lightness on Hue / Saturation window to make it darker. Transform it and place it as the right side of the mandible.

Step 13

Select and copy a little engine’s piece. Paste it, resize the shape and place it somewhere over the mandible.

Step 14

Paste the previous metal piece again, warp it as you want to place it as the girl’s chest.

Step 15

Continue adding metal, this time select a thin piece and paste it twice as shown in the image below.

Step 16

Add more metal on the chest.

Step 17

And so on, you can add as many metal as you desire, everywhere.

Step 18

Next, grab this picture of some colored wires, extract them from the white background and place it above “Metal” layers (I put all the metal in a folder by the way) and below “Body” layer. Put as many copies of the wires as you want.

Step 19

Select “Girl copy” layer, select the dark part behind the metal and wires and delete that selection.

Step 20

Select the clone tool and a tiny brush. Select “Body” layer and clone some skin areas over the knees, chest and dress to increase the cut out illusion.

Step 21

Use the dodge tool to create a peeled border effect.

Step 22

Create a new layer below “Body” layer and using a big soft black Brush, paint some shadows to increase the deep sensation.

Step 23

Merge all the layers, or put all the layers into a folder, name it “Image” duplicate it and merge it. Duplicate the copy and Blur it a little bit, then apply a Radial Gradient Layer Mask to the blurred copy.

Step 24

To increase the dramatic effect, add a Gradient Map adjustment layer (#0F2344 – #A2B5F0). Change its Blend Mode to Overlay and opacity to 55%.


Finally add further details, I’m adding a fibers texture on top, some text and a spark. Is up to you now!


Photoshop PSD files

sábado, 20 de noviembre de 2010

Vector tendencias de la música

Peso: 4.68MB


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Vector de elementos de la música de la tendencia

Peso: 3.61MB


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Vector tendencia de fondo musical

Peso: 2.52MB


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[Vector] Dinámica de la música de fondo



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[Vector] Tridimensional icono de nota vector material

Peso: 0.35MB


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